You can support us by making a single or regular donation on our bank account:
Fundacja Pomocy Goldenom AUREA
Broniewskiego Str. 64/40
01-854 Warsaw
Banking account: 79 2130 0004 2001 0444 8270 0001
For international transfers:
IBAN: PL79213000042001044482700001
Credit card and e-transfer transactions are carried out via DotPay accounting centre.
– When you indicate the particular use of your donation in the title of the transfer eg. Donation for Miko – we spend the money in this way only, with respect to the donator’s will.
– If there is no particular use mentioned in the title of the transfer e.g. donation for statutory use – we use the donation for statutory use that is on help to our charges, depending what is a priority in a given moment.
– If we manage to rise more money than needed for a particular goal, the surplus will be used for statutory use that is help to other golden retrievers in need.