
Our priorities

  1. Through all stages of the adoption process we have one goal only: BEST INTEREST OF A DOG.
  2. We try to adjust a candidate with a dog best suiting their expectations, but also the other way round- knowing dog’s character, temper, needs and health condition, we match it to a person/family that will be best for it.
    Thus it may happen that a particular candidate would be a good caretaker of our charge, but not the one, that he applied for the adoption of. Such a candidate will be offered a different, in our opinion more suitable dog.
  3. Perhaps to some of you our rules seem to be exaggerated, some may feel touched, understanding them as lack of trust on our side. Please, do understand. Our charges interest is of utmost importance for us. We feel responsible for them, because in fact, we make decision about the adoption on their behalf.
    Before a dog is being adopted, we sacrifice it our time, we treat it with the money from our donators and what is the most important we become attached to it.

Who can apply for adoption?

  1. Only adults may apply for dogs adoption. They must apply only on their own behalf (not others).
  2. We do not adopt dogs to families with children under 6. In individual and justified cases, when we have no doubts, we may derogate from this rule.
  3. We allow the possibility of adopting a dog abroad, after carrying out an individual adoption procedure.

Dogs under our care

  1. Sick, older, problematic dogs are very often under Foundation’s care. Speaking briefly, these are dogs, who need help and specific care. This is why adopting a Golden Retriever from our Foundation is not getting a young, healthy, happy, well-behaved and non problematic doggy, but helping a dog in need (offering it special treatment, training, one’s time and sacrifice, entertainment, care and love).
  2. Dogs being under Foundation’s care do not go through special trainings or predisposition tests for therapy dogs, and this is why they are not qualified to become therapists or companions for infirm children.


A person who wishes to adopt a dog should contact the Foundation (via e-mail or telephone +(48) 733 784 407


  1. A candidate is asked to fill in the questionnaire for the candidate (which is sent by e-mail). It is neither the exam nor the test. Its goal however, is to get to know a candidate as well as possible, which later lets us make a decision about the adoption and adjust a dog to a person.
  2. We want to know a candidate’s expectations towards a dog, find out something more, get to know their possibilities, as far as care and conditions that could be provided for a dog, are concerned.
  3. The questionnaire is the first and extremely important element of the adoption process, so please fill it in thoroughly and comprehensively.


  1. We visit selected candidates in their homes in order to meet them in person and see the conditions where the dog would live. Sometimes it takes a few or several days to arrange a visit, and it is not dependent on us.
  2. It is very important for us to meet all the members of the visited family.
  3. We do not practice introductory meetings of candidates with selected dogs for adoption. Sometimes there is an opportunity to meet on a walk together or during a volunteer’s visit, when the dog and the candidate live in one city.


1. A candidate for the adoption of a dog has the right to withdraw from their offer to take care of a dog at every single stage of the adoption process.

2. The Foundation also has the right to refuse dog’s adoption at each stage of the process.

3. Decision about the adoption is made by the Foundation authorities sometimes after visiting all prospective families, so it may take us some time.

4. The Foundation does not have the obligation to explain its decisions concerning the refusal to adopt a dog.

Dog pickup

A new owner is obliged to pick up the dog in person from the foster home.

Adoption contract

1. Everyone, who adopts a dog from our Foundation has to sign an adaption contract with us

2. Violating the terms of the contract will result in breaching and the expiration of the contract and taking the dog away by the Foundation.

After adoption

  1. We want to stay in touch with our dogs’ caretakers and we are always willing to help in case of problems.
  2. People from the Foundation, as well as other our forum users, will still be interested in the adopted dog’s fate, because they feel RESPONSIBLE for its further life.
  3. Received photos and messages let us make sure our charges have found best homes possible. Please do not take this as interference in your private life. If you feel like providing us some more private information, we will be pleased to hear them, because it creates nice and warm atmosphere on our forum, but there is no obligation for that.
  4. There is an obligation however to inform the Foundation about all IMPORTANT changes, concerning health and life conditions of the adopted dog.

Post-adoption support

1. Remember that we always try to help in the case of any problems with an adopted dog. Therefore, do not be reluctant to call or write if something is happening that you can not deal with.

2. You can also get the support and services of people and companies supporting us (including trainers, groomers).