Our Mission

Our main goal is giving comprehensive help to homeless, abandoned, hurt, unwanted and ill animals, especially Golden Retrievers.

Golden Retriever breed has become very popular in Poland, what results in a great number of its representatives in the whole country. Many Golden Retrievers have wonderful lives – they are healthy, loved and they live long at the side of their owners.

However, not all Golden Retrievers turn out to be so lucky. Great popularity of this breed together with human lack of responsibility and insufficient knowledge, caused that Golden Retrievers end up in animal shelters, they are abandoned or passed from one to other irresponsible hands. Very often these dogs are neglected, ill or in old age, in need of loving care and expensive treatment.

In 2008 we decided to set up Golden Retriever Rescue Foundation. It was set up from the initiative of people, who love dogs, especially Golden Retrievers, for whom the fate of animals is not trivial. We love this breed, we have fondled Golden Retrievers at our homes, they are our real passion, and the thought that such wonderful animals get to animal shelters, are being hurt or are in real need, is not irrelevant to us and makes us help them as much as we can.

What we do:

  • we try to take care of each Golden Retriever in need,
  • a dog, that becomes our charge is being placed in a foster home, where it stays until being adopted,
  • we assess its needs, we observe its behaviour, very often we need to teach it living with people and living in the city, we try to solve its behavioural problems – roughly speaking we do everything to make sure a dog feels safe and well and we try to prepare it for the adoption as well as it is possible,
  • each dog is guaranteed best care, lives in household environment, gets positive experiences, is being fed with good quality dog food, it is also being a little bit spoiled- it is simply treated like a family member and our own dog,
  • each dog is guaranteed veterinary prophylactic: vaccinations, deworming, anti-parasite skin protection,
  • our charges’ health is of utmost importance to us: each of them goes trough basic veterinary examination and it has its blood tested, however, very often it is not enough and we need to do additional, specialized examinations in order to diagnose the dog as precisely as possible,
  • we finance all necessary treatments, operations, rehabilitation,
  • each dog in our charge is being micro-chipped and registered in national and international bases,
  • our charges are being sterilized (females) and castrated (male dogs) – by doing so we make sure they will not be reproduced and will avoid potential illnesses,
  • dogs, who are ready to be adopted, are being found wonderful caretakers and homes for the rest of their lives,
  • as far as possible, we try to help in financing expensive treatment or surgeries of Golden Retrievers who have owners.
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